Logging On
You, your library, or an institution with which you are affiliated, must have a current subscription to log in to Oxford Competition Law (OCL) for full access.
For information about subscribing, click here.
Logging in takes you directly to the Home page.
With user name and password
If you have your own subscription to Oxford Competition Law (OCL) sites, type your user name and password in the login fields at the top left of the site.
Your password is case-sensitive.
If you are a librarian and have problems logging in or have forgotten your password, please consult Subscriber Services.
From a subscribing institution
If you are logging in to Oxford Competition Law (OCL) sites from an institution which has a subscription, or if your institution uses a referring URL system, you should enter the site automatically.
If you are returned to the Home page, please consult your system administrator or librarian.
If you have an Athens account or you are at an institution using an Access Management Federation, please select your institution from the drop down list provided. If your institution is not listed or you have any other questions please contact us:
North and South America: oxfordonline@oup.com
Rest of World: onlinesubscriptions@oup.com
With your library card
Some libraries allow remote access to websites to which they subscribe. Your librarian can tell you if that option is available to you.
If your library does allow remote access, enter your library card number in the Library Card field on the Home page. If you encounter difficulties entering the site using your library card number, please consult your librarian.