Article Archive
Below is a list of feature articles that have previously appeared on the Oxford Competition Law homepage.
Competition Law in Developing Countries by Thomas K. Cheng (August 2020)
Brexit and Competition Law: A Changing Landscape by Matthew Levitt and Dina Jubrail (July 2020)
BritNed v ABB - The rise and fall of cost-based cartel damages by Cento Veljanovski (June 2020)
(Proposed) Amendments to the Indian Competition Act by Swati Sharma (June 2020)
Antitrust Law & the Economics of the Coronavirus by Dr. Aurelien Portuese (May 2020)
Covid-19 and Competition Law by Miguel Bisogno (April 2020)
Competition Law and Sustainability: Time to Take a Long, Hard Look in the Mirror by Beverley Williamson (February 2020)
Introduction to the joint study ‘Algorithms and Competition’ released by the Autorité de la Concurrence and the Bundeskartellamt by Gabriele Carovano (January 2020)
The Trans-Atlantic Tech Backlash by Dr. Aurelien Portuese (September 2019)
Antitrust Procedural Fairness by D. Daniel Sokol (July 2019)
Why the introduction of a new transaction-value jurisdictional threshold for the EUMR has been postponed, at least for now by Martin Gassler (June 2019)
A New Regime under the Malta Competition Act by Lisa Abela (June 2019)
When time is of the essence in merger cases – fixing it fast by John Boyce and Anna Lyle-Smythe (May 2019)
“Leapfrog Appeal” for Antitrust Litigations in China by Ken Dai (April 2019)
The principle of relative responsibility for harm in the Directive 2014/104/UE by Dr Enrique Sanjuán (April 2019)
Availability Of The Passing-On Defence In Private Antitrust Litigation In Spain by Manuel Contreras (March 2019)
Overview of bid-rigging enforcement in Bulgaria (2008-2018) by Eleonora Mateina (March 2019)
Strengthening of Competition in the Oil Industry in Greece: Lessons Learned from the Wholesale Segment by Michael Polemis (February 2019)
Alstom-Siemens Merger Prohibited: Championing the European Antitrust Mindset by Dr. Aurelien Portuese (February 2019)