Title List
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Antitrust and Patent Law, Alan Devlin and Lars Kjølbye (2016)
Antitrust Procedural Fairness, D. Daniel Sokol and Andrew T. Guzman (2019)
Bellamy and Child: European Union Law of Competition 8th ed., David Bailey and Laura Elizabeth John (2018)
Big Data and Competition Policy, Maurice Stucke and Allen Grunes (2016)
Cartel Damages: Principles, Measurement, and Economics, Cento Veljanovski (2020)
Combatting Corruption and Collusion in Public Procurement: A Challenge for Governments Worldwide, Robert D. Anderson, Alison Jones, William E. Kovacic (2024)
Competition Enforcement and Procedure 2nd ed., Renato Nazzini (2016)
Competition Law 10th ed., Richard Whish and David Bailey (2021)
Competition Law: Analysis, Cases, & Materials, Ioannis Lianos, Valentine Korah, and Paolo Siciliani (2019)
Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China, Spyros Maniatis, Ioannis Kokkoris, and Xiaoye Wang (2019)
Competition Law in Developing Countries, Thomas K. Cheng (2020)
Competition Litigation: UK Practice and Procedure 2nd ed., Mark Brealey QC and Kyla George (2019)
Consumer Involvement in Private EU Competition Law Enforcement, Maria Ioannidou (2015)
The Criminalization of European Cartel Enforcement: Theoretical, Legal, and Practical Challenges, Peter Whelan (2014)
Damages Claims for the Infringement of EU Competition Law, Peter Davis, Ioannis Lianos and Paolisa Nebbia (2015)
Economics for Competition Lawyers 3rd ed., Gunnar Niels, Helen Jenkins, and James Kavanagh (2023)
The EU Antitrust Damages Directive: Transposition in the Member States, Barry Rodger, Miguel Sousa Ferro, Francisco Marcos (2018)
EU Antitrust Procedure, Ekaterina Rousseva (2020)
Jones & Sufrin's EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials 7th ed., Alison Jones, Brenda Sufrin, and Niamh Dunne (2019)
EU Cartel Law and Economics, Cedric Argenton, Damien Geradin, and Andreas Stephan (2020)
EU Competition Law and Economics, Damien Geradin, Dr Anne Layne-Farrar, and Nicolas Petit (2012)
EU Competition Procedure 4th ed., Luis Ortiz Blanco (2022)
EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Ioannis Kokkoris and Howard Shelanski (2014)
EU Regulation and Competition Law in the Transport Sector 2nd ed., Luis Ortiz Blanco and Ben Van Houtte (2017)
European Union Law of State Aid 3rd ed., Kelyn Bacon (2017)
Faull & Nikpay: The EU Law of Competition 3rd ed., Jonathan Faull, Ali Nikpay and Deirdre Taylor (2014)
The Foundations of European Union Competition Law: The Objective and Principles of Article 102, Renato Nazzini (2011)
Global Antitrust Compliance Handbook, Daniel D. Sokol, Daniel Crane and Ariel Ezrachi (2014)
Horizontal Agreements and Cartels in EU Competition Law, Frank Wijckmans and Filip Tuytschaever (2015)
Merger Control, National Security, and Foreign Direct Investment Screening (1st Edition): A Comparative Perspective, Ioannis Kokkoris (2024)
Parental Liability in EU Competition Law: A Legitimacy-Focused Approach, Peter Whelan (2023)
The Private Enforcement of Competition Law, Pedro Caro de Sousa (2024)
Public Interest Considerations in US Meger Control: An Assessment of National Security and Sectoral Reculators, Ioannis Kokkoris (2024)
State Aid Law of the European Union, Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Claire Micheau (2016)
UK Competition Law: The New Framework, Ros Kellaway, Rhodri Thompson and Christopher Brown (2015)
Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law 3rd ed., Filip Tuytschaever, Frank Wijckmans (2018)