Case reports from w/c 26 September 2022
October 3, 2022
This month OXCAT published 2 new articles.
- OCL 320 (NL 2017) Van Eijk Sloopwerken BV and ors v Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets, Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal judgment, Case no 16/3-5; NL:CBB:2017:325; OCL 320 (NL 2017), 12 October 2017 by Robert Hardy
- OCL 321 (IT 2021) Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato v Air Corporate Srl and AIRI Srl, Judgement no 6214/2021; OCL 321 (IT 2021), 15 April 2021 by Cristoforo Osti, Patrick Actis Perinetto, Giacomo Grechi